Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July. Yes finally its Indepence Day for America! The old red, white, and blue. 13 stripes, 50 stars. Everyone has the 4th of July spirit so far. Earth, UB Funkeys, Club Penguin, even Chobots. Why yes Earth always has the fireworks at night and all just like in New Years, Disney, some birthdays, some theme parks, and some holidays. Chobots is Canab wearing the first even Chobots American Flag! Even I got into the spirit and all, even some people will probablly draw some flags on the underground walls. UB Funkeys is Vroom and his familiar cheering everyone up in Funkeystown and giving them spirit. Club Penguin has those fireworks at the iceberg and mountain, and those red, white, and blue puffles. Have fun on this 2009 4th of July. Happy Independence Day! Warning keep all animals away from the launching of a firework it may get ugly.