Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Magic and Updates

New magic been added for the pets! The hat will make a Nicho or Ninja. The hat costs 1000 and the book costs 33. Located in the rest catalog. The book one just makes your Zorbo read. The Nicho then appears, scares your pet away, and steals the hat!
New toys have also been added for the pets in the play catalog. A plunger that your pet balances in his nose then its gets caught on his head. The trampoline he justs jumps on it.
Also there is a new magic in the citizen catalog. The moonwalk. You want backwards! It costs 510 each.
Chlos was also wearing a new item. Its a roman kinda thing.
Also now you can delete furniture items and the clothing catalog was organized.
Special thanks to Shocko ( Roco ) for showing me the pet magic. And Cloud!