Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Citizen Items

 Wha?!? The three items from the "coming soon" catalog are for when you buy membership? I was really excited that we can BUY with BUGS those items. I guess not. Oh well. 1 month item is the bell hat, 6 month is the wizard hat, and 1 year it the jetpack.

Friday, February 26, 2010

More Girl Stuff

Chobots added some more girl stuff today to the shop. Three new hairs and a dress. They also update the crown catalog with two new backgrounds. $4.99 each. The middle hair looks like Kairi's hair if you think about it. Since the backgrounds were in the coming soon catalog and are now in the crown catalog, it seems that some good items like the jetpack might end up there.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The New Pin; Wagon Pin

With the new Puffle out there is also a new pin. This pin matches the Orange Puffles toy when his bars are all filled up. The wagon! You can find this pin in ski lodge.

Also the feather pin is still on the beacon probablly till the play ends.

Orange! Puffle! Released!

The orange Puffle is finally here! After weeks of waiting we can buy it. Its for members only. So far its been awesome! They are now on the home page and in the newspaper.

Ok they updated the Pet Shop by adding it ontop of the Puffle house!
They also updated the Puffle Catalog. Take a look.

They updated the Postcard when you buy a Puffle.
When its in your igloo it will looks something like... this. I named the orange puffle Sherbert and thats Snowy over there.
Its seems there a heavy sleeper... like me so this is how they look. Someone bring in a mop?
When he eats bubble gum he turns into a balloon.
When you make him take a bath he will jump on a diving board and it will break.
When your feeding it a cookie it will gobble that whole thing, reminds me when I feed a chipmunk.
If you feed it a Puffle food it will eat the bowl first, then the food. Whos a hungry little guy?
When you play with it, there is 2 toys. This is the normal one. A box! Guess we know whos going to lead the April Fools Party. He will look in the box, find a green ball, spit it out, the box will fall on him, and he will start moving with it on him.
If you fill up all his energy he will get a wagon, like the pin. He will ride it, it goes flat, he will make a pump appear, pumps it way to much, eat the pump, and go riding fast.
If you dance with it, he will be HulaHooping with his teeth.

If your walking it, when you see your or someone elses player card it will look different then when you walk other Puffles.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Old Puffle Designs

Screenhog showed us a new design sheet of what could have became the Puffle. After seeing this I am glad we have the pet design we have now. I wonder what were going through the creators minds making this...

I am guessing the middle top one is the sketch they picked to make our well known lovable Puffle. Right now Puffles look like that blue one the arrow is pointing at, but before like 3 years ago it looked like the middle top blue one. As time passes it got more graphics, showing technology improved for Club Penguin.

Gamestop Jiranchi Event

Gamestop is having another event! This time it will be giving away a Jiranchi from Febuary 27 2010 - March 13 2010. When you trade this Jiranchi to Pokemon Heartgold or Pokemon Soulsilver you will be able to go to Night Sky's Edge. Its a place with Onix, Geodude, Hoothoot, Zubat, Clefairy, and Jigglypuff.
All we know is it will have the move Draco Meter and will be level 5.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vayerman 500 Day Old Party!

Vayerman's 500 day old party is now over and man was it great. There was so much cool mod magic, rain, mods, and many many chobots. There was birthday cakes, fireworks, bats, fog, flood, fireworks, "blimps", and much more. Also for the everyone wear this mod magic they, they had 3 of my designs, skeleton, chinese dragon mask, and dragonfly wings! It rained so much stuff also, bowties, 500 shirts, wigs, Mimo shirts, S shirts, ! shirts, ? shirts, pet food, balloon magic, bday shirts, love shirts, and alot more! What a great party.
Happy 500 Day Old Vayerman! You rock!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thursday! Orange Puffle!

Thursday is the Orange Puffle release, Club Penguin was metioning that they will be early so the Puffle Party will end, a new sports catalog, and..... YOU CAN BUY THE ORANGE PUFFLE! I wonder what his favorite toy is? Does he like Boxes? Does he have "imagination" to make cool sound effects?
I wonder where he will sit, stand, crouch.... whatever in the Pet Shop... the little show cage doesnt look like it has enough room. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Possible CP Futures?

I emailed Club Penguin a couple of days ago asking for this. Here is my first email.
How about having some Puffle pins and backgrounds? Many CP fans would like to support and show off there favorite puffles. Like maybe before winter ends a poll to decide which White Puffle pin they would like. A all color puffle background like white only, black only, green only, so on. I am sure many fans would like something like this. Puffle pins and puffle one colored only backgrounds.

I think your ideas are absolutelly espetacular I think the penguins in charge of the Pet Shop will love them all. I'll pass your ideas onto them, but I can't promise they will use them. I loved the idea of having the hairdresser chair in the catalogue. I just think my puffles would get too excited about it and end up getting bald for having to many haircuts! There have been rumors around the island about a strange, buck-toothed creature. If you have any information on this, please send it our way. From what I have heard, penguins are all in a tizzy to find out more about this mysterious, orange thing!
And now the second email
Yes the Puffle party is going awesome so far! I was wondering if I can give the Puffle furniture designers a suggestion. How about some of the stuff from the Puffle Show become buyable. I like how my White Puffle goes over hoops, grooms, and goes on a podium showing off. How about a new feeding kinda thing added which is grooming, where the scissor and comb pop up? And if you have the chair they will go to that furniture. I also was thinking since there might be new color puffles after the Orange if we will find a puffle who likes cooking or sports? Maybe his room could be the pizza parlor, coffe shop, or maybe the hockey rink is a basketball court? I was also wondering if we can get backgrounds of our puffles but one color specific? I am sure alot of Puffle fans will love that. Maybe at the end of winter we get to decide in a poll on a white puffle pin.
I really like your idea about having a puffle that cooks, but I am curious to see how the they would do this since they don't have flippers like penguins do. But, really that doesn't stop them because look at the Yellow Puffle, it uses its paint brush all the time to create wonderful pieces of art! I think it's so funny when puffles get their hair done in the Puffle Show, especially when they get sideburns! What is your favorite hair style? We will be sure to pass along your ideas for consideration, you never know what will happen in the wonderful world of Club Penguin next
So I wanted to share this 2 emails I sent. Will it soon be possible we can cut Puffle hairs, a puffle who likes to cook, white puffle pins, and/or a puffle who likes sports? We will have to wait and see.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge

Elite Penguin Force was a great game for the Nintendo DS from Club Penguin, but now there making a part 2! Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Herbert's Revenge is what it is called. Since Puffle Pranksters introduced the White Puffle, he/she might be in the game, also with the Orange Puffle appearance and this game coming out in about 3-4 months it may be possible that he will also be in the game. If you notice something look at the name of the game, Herbert's Revenge. REVENGE. It might hint that we finally captured Herbert in Mission 11 or we foiled another plan of his. This game is set to release around June. To see more info check out this link

Friday, February 19, 2010

Orange Puffle Spotted in Ski Village

Great news! The Orange Puffle was spotted in Ski Village! All you have to do is get 10 orange penguins then you will see the Orange Puffle going up and down the Ski Seat. Take a look!

Let me know what you guys think. Were you able to get 10 orange penguins?

Nicho Design Made?

I think they made my Nicho suit design I made a couple of months ago. I was walking down to the new coming soon catalog and there infront of me it was! You tell me dont they look alike? I made the symbol wrong cause every nicho pic had a different one. I guess they added a nicho mask, might look better without it.
I emailed chobots about right now saying if I can recieve it. Wish me luck

Citizen Room Update

The citizen room had a update today! It now has a "coming soon" catalog! There are many new cool stuff coming soon. I just hope that doesnt mean this stuff will be in the crown catalog.

There are two new moving backgrounds, a cho hat, a couple of wigs, a dress, a nicho suit ahh!, a turtle suit, a jetpack, a indian hat, three girl masks, a cool hat, and a bell hat from the christmas parties.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crown Catalog Update

The crown catalog had a update! They added two new clothes in it. It cost real money so dont get some of your hopes up. Its the polar bear suit and indian girl hair. The indian girl hair cost 4.99 and the polar bear suit cost 9.99.

Puffle Party!

The Puffle Party is early! There are tons of new stuff, and old stuff. They added the white puffle room, member puffle show, a snow fort for the white puffle, new decorations! There is also free stuff! If you go to the Plaza there will be a hat waiting for you. And if you go to the Puffle Show ( member only ) you can get the puffle jacket.

If you go to ski village you will see a door thats for members only. It will lead you to the Puffle Show! You will be able to get the Puffle jacket. In there your Puffles interact with their surrrondings like the podium, obstacle course, and the grooming chair. All you got to do is walk up to them.

The Puffle party is really cool cause each color puffle has his own room! Here is what they are
Pet Shop: Puffle dance party
Underground: White Puffle Room
Pool: Black Puffle Room
Cove: Red Puffle Room
Forest: Blue Puffle Room
Iceberg: Pink Puffle Room
Dance Club: Purple Puffle Room
Lighthouse: Yellow Puffle Room
Beacon: Green Puffle Room
Dock: Big Toy Furniture
Beach: Snow Castle Buidling
Puffle Show: Member only room
Everything else is old except the Underground, which is the room for my favorite Puffle! The White Puffle!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2010 Valentine Eggs Info and Looks

Well now we know how the 2010 Valentine Eggs will turn out. It seems its a Male only breed. Here is there info.
- Egg: This egg looks delicate and sweet.
- Hatchling: Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's very curious and fond of sweets.
- Matured hatchling: Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's very curious and fond of sweets. And look! It's grown feathers! It must be close to maturing.
- Adult: Sweetlings are a small, flightless breed of dragon. They are herbivores who favor sweet fruits and honey, and have been known to go to great lengths to obtain their favorite treats. Their long, prehensile tails allow them to grab onto branches and give them superior balance. Sweetlings are expressive dragons and have a large array of calls to communicate with others. They become very vocal during breeding season and sing long, beautiful melodies to attract a mate. Inquisitive in nature, Sweetlings are known to investigate anything that piques their interest, and are quick to flee if the object of their curiosity strikes back.

New Clothes, Mosty For You Girls

There are new clothes mostly for you ladies in Chobots. A long awaited earings and skirt have returned! They are most demanded from you girls so go to the Shop and buy some. There is also a new hair style. Looks kinda emo. It also looks like Zexion's hair. There is 2 new stuff in the crown catalog a bubble suit and a swirly "candy". Check it out.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Puffle Plushes

Puffle plushes will be released really soon with codes. It seems they are already working on Orange Puffle. Judging by the size of it, it seems its a normal sized Puffle, cause the White Puffle is smaller then the rest.
If you notice, it forms a pyramid! All we need is the top pointy part. Brown perhaps? I think the next Puffle after Orange is brown.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Puffel Party Sneek Peek

Great news! Club Penguin gave us a sneek peek to the Puffle Party. They gave us a little peek to the White Puffle room and the member surprise. The Mine will be the White Puffles place, and for the members your Puffles will do tricks and stuff here.