Monday, August 31, 2009

New Membership Items

Did you buy membership yet? Well for 1 month you can get a strawberry backpack ( which I am getting )! For you Mimo fans if you buy 6 month citizenshop you get a Mimo flag, thats right a Mimo flag to represent Mimo. For you wing lovers the rumor of the icewings have been revealed! The icewings are for year buyers.
I expected better from the icewings. Oh well I hope my dragon wing design is made. The mimo flag looks kinda boring. Did you notice there has been alot of backpacks lately? Banana, carrot, strawberry, and corn! Also they been sponsering Mimo alot.

Black Cho Hoodie

Want a black cho hoodie? Well you cant buy one yet. You can get one by registering in this chobots site. I really wanted one for my main character. Oh well. Do you want this hoodie? I will so change the moon jacket and wear this for my GIG look.
Also tomorrow there might be new buy citizenship items, and Chobot will say on his blog some more mod items. Did you hear Canab with the butterfly wings?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ace And Mulch Problems

As you know I got Ace and Mulch. Well when I go to their game rooms to play their games I stand on the platform and I hear the noise when something pops up. Nothing pops ups. If I go to their shops or leave then come back after nothing pops up everything is missing. No music, no aces/mulches, some items missing. I go on the platform again and still nothing. If this happened in Ace if I go to Mulch game room same thing happened there.
Any suggestions? I tried the update again but it was the same thing. I pressed yes install then it said in a second you just installed or whatever and still have the problem. Do I need to install something?

Video Camera Released

You can now get a videocamera by making awesome videos! William makes the best of course when he inspired everyone with the slang " IMA FIRE MY LAZOR! ". So obviously he deserves on. Congrats everyone who got one!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Chlos Wearing New Stuff

Chlos is wearing new stuff! A corn backpack and a videocamera! The video camera is going to be for video makers. William most likely will get one. Its like the paintbrush and since I cant make videos guess I am never getting one. There is also a Mimo flag, strawberry, and a snowjacket. Mimo gets another item.. again. Does he pay Chobots or something?

New Upcoming Clothes

Chlos was wearing a alien mask, jacket, and Canab was wearing a newpaper hat! I wonder when they will come out.
Also I got Mulch and Ace! The problem is I cant play there games. I got to the platform then I heard the "pup" then nothing popped up. I leave and come back then alot of stuff is missing.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Club Penguin New Pin

There is a new pin today which got released in Club Penguin. Guess what it is? A koi fish! The chinese culture. Usully there is two a black and a white one which then represents Yin Yang I belive. You can find it in the cove.
Also the Sports catalog got released. Now its football based. No cheats for hidden things cause well there is no hidden stuff.

Chobots Mimo Clothes and New Stuff

Guess what just got released.... 2 Mimo items! I know I dont like Mimo that much but the blue one is cool. So you know when you register you get the blue Mimo clothes free? Not anymore you can buy it! Also there is a new yellow Mimo shirt for sale. Citizens only. Maybe the mimo green jacket and sweater vest will come out soon. I got both of them.
There is also a Banana backpack! I designed a banana backpack but this one looks way cooler! Its peeled! There is also a "zorro" costume as many people call it from the Legend of Zoro which looks great. I recommend getting both they are just so cool. Also there are new backgrounds that are released which move! Thats right move!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Total Drama Action Best Game Ever After Math 2 Challenge

This challenge is mostly based on DJ.
Talk to Chris to begin the challenge.
Get DJ's dirty dishes from his trailer. Take the dishes back to Chris.
Talk to DJ on the western side of the lot. The city part. Then talk to Chris.
Now talk to DJ again but he is in the kitchen. Talk to Chris.
Take a picture of the rabbit in Studio 7. Take the pic to Chris. Talk to DJ in the kitchen again.
Now talk to Bridgette.
Get 5 peppers from studio 3. Take the peppers to DJ.
Now get the grinder from studio 2. Take grinder to DJ. Talk to Chris. You got a star!

Club Penguin Newspaper

Guess whos coming? Well he will be coming with the greatest party, in my opinion, the Fall Fair! Rockerhopper and Yarr are coming! Right on time for the party! He did make the party. I wonder what he is bringing in his Migrator. Is it going to be something that grows like the plants?
Also a old play is returning to the stages soon. The penguins that time forgot I believe its called.
Also a new pin and sports catalog comes out tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Video

Here is a video I found on youtube which is kinda a preview of its graphics and Pokemon walking communication.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Choproff is Back!

Choproff is back! Just go to the academy and answer his questions.... if you can handle it. GO GO GO!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sports Catalog Sneek Peek

This Friday a new Snow and Sports catalog is coming out with some new stuff and old stuff. Some new cheerleader hair and the return of football stuff. The preview shows the red, blue, and green football helmet. Maybe there will be a green football jersey.
In other news:
I got tons of homework on the first day by a horrible teacher.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vote For Nobody

Everyone if you can please vote for my pet Nobody. He is on the pet poll in the Chobot's blog. Please help me win you will make a little zorbo happy.
It was tough lots of people moving and moving. I knew I had to stay still to be in the poll. Remember vote for Nobody... not nobody at all Nobody my pet.

School Starting Tomorrow

School is starting tomorrow so I will be posting after school ends everyday. My posts will be alittle later. Summer ending school A.K.A. jail starting for everyone.
I hope I dont get too much homework this year XD

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Kanto Region?

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver has a new update! We can go to the Kanto region. How this will work out is still unknown. The following pics show how you get there and male player in Pallet Town. Will we be able to get Kanto region gym badges?
Judging by the Pallet Town picture with the male trainer and a Typlosion following him the Kanto region will be able to be traveled to when you beat the Jhoto region. Proffesor Oak will most likely be in the game. This game brings Pokemon to a whole new level with the first game ever to travel to another region. Will there be a Pokemon super game where you can travel to all the regions?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Webosaurs New Stuff, Club Penguin New Stage, and Furniture Catalog

First in Webosaurs the all new clocktower/eventboard has been added in Gushing Geyser!
There’s a sick new tree fort at the Croc Peninsula! It’s the perfect place for takin’ in some swamp juice, partyin’, and even shooting a few hoops. Watch out for the shaking though! You never know when the tree will sway! I hope Mimo doesnt make this fall this time.
Now for Club Penguin news. They added a all new stage! The underwater adventure! They have so many new things a lobster suit, bronze colored fish suit, and even a merman suit!
There is also a new furniture catalog! The furniture catalog is based on construction strangely. First go to the oven in first page and click the circle part. You will get a bowling pin for 40 coins.
Next click the window for the bowling alley. I have a feeling some penguins will be making bowling alleys.
If you go to the electric stove and click the knob. A refridgerator.
Those are all the new items that are hidden. Others but they are old. They even added a new floor! The white puffle looks so cool.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Total Drama Action Week 9 Challenge

Talk to Chris to begin the challenge
Get 6 supply crates from studio 9
Watchout for sailors!
After you collect all 6 crates take the crates back to Chris
Then get a roll of wires from Studio 6. Take it back to Chris.
Now get the denotonator fro Izzy. Take it back to Chris.
Chris will ask you to plant paintbombs in fort in Studio 9. Talk back to Chirs.
Now go to Studio 9 and check on prize trunk. Its where the fort was but it exploded! Take the trunk to Chris. You got a star! Now watch tonights episode and incase you dont know Izzy I mean Explosivio gets voted off. Next week it TDA Aftermath 2!